Posts Tagged ‘Mystery Short Stories’

Mystery Short Story Competition 2013

25 April 2013

Mystery Times 2013

Last year, we received over 100 submissions from new and established authors alike. Never before published, they were gathered together in our Second Annual Mystery Times collection. Each story was read and rated on the same set of parameters; each judge brought his or her own unique talents and tastes to the task at hand.

The quality of the stories was outstanding and the 2012 book rode the #1 and 2 spot on the Amazon Hot New Mystery Release List for FOUR weeks!

So, yep, we’re doing it again!

Our 2013 Showcase Mystery Times 2013 seeks new mystery short stories.

Submission Guidelines:

Theme: Mystery–It can be it murder, cozy, paranormal, soft-boiled, hard-boiled, police procedural, suspense, thriller, or amateur detective.

What is a mystery? In a mystery, the main character must track down the truth about an event, often a murder. If the protagonist is in any danger, it usually becomes a problem only as the detective/protagonist approaches the truth. That’s your base, how it plays out is up to you!

No gratuitous sex or violence.

The competition is open to all writers in English except current employees of Buddhapuss Ink LLC.

Submissions will be accepted from April 1, 2013 to July 15, 2013.

You must be 18 or older to enter.

No previously published work(s)

Simultaneous submissions are not permitted.

Entries should be between 3000-7000 words in length.

Send your submissions via email with the subject line “Submission for MYSTERY TIMES TEN” from <your name> with your story as an attached file in .doc or .docx (Word) format PLEASE INCLUDE in the body of the email:

Your name and contact information

A brief author bio (2-5 sentences)

Entry should be single-spaced in at least a 12 pt. readable font. We suggest Times New Roman, Courier, or Arial.

Send emails to:

NOTE: You will receive an email acknowledging our receipt of your entry within 24 hours. If you do not receive this email: (check your junk/bulk/spam folder first!) please re-submit your entry and change the subject line to: “RESUBMISSION for MYSTERY TIMES TEN”.

Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.

Notifications will be sent to finalists via email August, 2013.

There is no limit on the number of entries you may submit. There is no fee to enter.

Buddhapuss Ink LLC reserves the right to close or extend the competition if not enough suitable entries are received.

Winning Selections:

The Winning entries will be published in the 2013 Showcase titled Mystery Times 2013  to be published by Buddhapuss Ink LLC.

FIRST and SECOND PLACE winners will receive a new Kindle, featured placement in the book, and Buddhapuss Ink swag.

THIRD PLACE winner will receive a $25 Gift Card, featured placement in the book, and Buddhapuss Ink swag.

ALL WINNERS will receive: two (2) copies of the finished book and the opportunity to “fast track” their next manuscript with our Editorial staff. “Fast track” does not mean you will receive a publishing contract, but we will guarantee that your manuscript is given a priority reading.

Some winning entries will also be featured on our website, blog, and/or Facebook page.

Buddhapuss Ink is all about our readers and all entries will be read by an independent panel of readers and rated on the same scale and parameters. The top 20 entries-based on the aggregate scores-will go on to the final round where they will be read and scored by our Editorial Review Panel made up of publishing professionals. The decisions of the judges will be final

No manuscripts will be returned.

Winners will be notified & announced in August 2013.

Publication is scheduled for October/November 2013.

Send your best words our way! We publish newcomers and established writers alike.

Key dates: Contest ends: July 15, 2013
Winners announced: August 2013
Publication: October/November 2013

Send entries to:

Visit the website:
